Alexandre Raposo Advogados Associados law firm provides advice on the planning and execution of typical, atypical and complex contractual structures, drafting legal opinions with analysis of applicable legislation and regulation, elaborating, negotiating and monitoring contracts governed by Brazilian or foreign law in the prior and post-contractual phase, negotiation and judicial and out-of-court action in the dissensions and crisis resulting from contractual relations.
We assist our clients in drafting, negotiating and repealing commercial or civil nature agreeements, such as supply and distribution, franchise, sales representative contract, goods and services sales agreement (including those involving the opening of revolving credit with guarantee), manufacturing to order, vendor finance and general services (fleet management, cleaning, consulting, business management). Our work generally involves several departments of the firm, especially in the tax, competitive and employment areas, due to the multidisciplinary issues of the contracts in question.

The Alexandre Raposo Advogados Associados law firm has extensive experience in restructuring and recovering companies, acting in the conduct of court-supervised and outo-of-court reorganization cases for companies in different sectors. Its multidisciplinary structure allows a systemic view of the business, aiming at understanding the reasons for the crisis and the strategic development of the exit alternatives, respecting the particularities of each client.
The firm has several success cases in court-supervised reorganization, including many reorganization plans already approved by the general meeting of creditors and ratified in court.
On the other hand, the Court-supervised Reorganization team has extensive experience in defending the interests of creditors and recovering their claims against debtors undergoing extrajudicial recovery, court-supervised reorganization and bankruptcy proceedings; participation in ad hoc creditors’ committees; coordination and defense of the creditors interests; negotiations between debtors and creditors; review of recovery contracts and plans; proposing judicial measures and filing appeals.
The following stand out:
– Economic, financial and legal analysis of companies in crisis;
– Institution and performance in Crisis Councils;
– Negotiation with the chain of strategic suppliers, customers and creditors in general;
– Support in the search for financing partners for the operation;
– Planning, structuring, implementation and monitoring court-supervised and outo-of-court reorganization plans;
– Entry and follow-up of incidental issues in company recovery cases (credit qualifications, impugnment, recovery plans evaluation, representation of creditors, among others);
– Participation and representation of clients in creditors’ committees and meetings;
– Advising and conducting mergers and acquisitions of companies in crisis.

The firm operates in Corporate Law, in the defense of its clientes interests, in the most diverse fields and providing the most different services, among which:
– Merger of Companies: preparation, review and analysis of articles and statutes of incorporation;
– Alteration of aticles of association, statutes, meetings and dissolution of companies;
– Purchase and sale of companies and shareholdings, purchase and sale of shares and quotas;
– Bankruptcies and court-supervised reorganization;
– Corporate reorganization;
– Joint ventures formation;
– Shareholders defense;
– Representation and monitoring of clients in committees and assemblies;
– “Due diligence”;
– Negotiation of corporate diferences;
– Industrial Property, Trademarks and Patents;
– Trademark Registration;
– Patent registration;
– Software Registration;
– Copyright Protection;
– Franchising;
– Consumer Law;
– Contract reviews;
– Damage Repairs;
– Indemnity Action;
– Mental distress and pecuniary damages claim;
– Return of SATI fee and brokerage;
– Mandatory action against health insurance;
– Restructuring of companies;
– Representation of clients in committees and assemblies;
– Other achievements within Corporate Law;
– Assessment of contractual and non-contractual risks and responsibilities;
– Preventive action with service providers and company employees;
– Elaboration of opinions;
– Orientation of the company’s objective responsibility towards the consumer;
– Orientation of the entrepreneur and employees;
– Minimization of possible employees demands;
– Defense of the company before professional councils;
– Defense of the company’s interests in court;
– Execution of debt collections and security accomplishment.

Our firm understands that the legal approach in the areas of information technology and the Internet must take into account the convergence of telecommunications services in different technologies. In this context, we approach the telecommunications and intellectual property laws in an integrated manner, offering joint solutions with regard to the aspects of infrastructure and content in the areas of information technology and the Internet.
We have experience in drafting and negotiating contracts involving computer goods and services, such as contracts for the provision of consulting services, distribution of computer goods and computer programs, software licensing and contracts aimed at outsourcing IT operations of Information technology.
We also offer legal specialized services in Internet issues, among which stand out the legal audits of websites, contracts and opinions related to electronic commerce, privacy policies, conflict resolution involving copyrights, brands and domain names on the Internet, in addition to legal advice to educational institutions wishing to develop (“e-learning projects”).